Project Recovery


What is it?

An intervention model in problem or crisis situations, generated during the development of a project
What is it for?

Projects are essential for a company to develop its strategy towards the desired future. Recovery allows a project to achieve the expected results, reducing the negative impacts of problems
Why is it worth it?

Troubled projects drain efforts and resources, generate customer dissatisfaction and waste important opportunities. Thus, they end up jeopardizing the company's growth and survival in the medium or long term.
How does it work? 

Diagnosis: Review of planning, status and indicators, identification of causes and recovery planMentoring and Support: indicated for cases where Management and the current Team have good technical knowledge but lack other skills or maturity in the areas of relationship, leadership , methodology and project management. Intervention - here we take over Project Management and / or we will replace Team members, until the situation is satisfactory for the contractor
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